About Me



Hi, I am Nuserat, the founder and designer of Nuserat Creations which was formed to provide a unique and customizable experience.

A few years ago I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s, which led to serious lifestyle and career changes for me and my family. Designing jewelry and creating exclusive, one of a kind pieces lets me work at my own pace, which has also become a form of therapy for my condition. For this reason, when you purchase one of my products, a portion of the proceeds will go to charity.

Every product is designed to be a work of art that expresses the influences in my life. Each piece is genuinely handcrafted and tailored to fit the request of the buyer. I also encourage people to customize their designs so that each piece is as meaningful to them as it is to me.

I hope you enjoy the experience of wearing my one of a kind pieces which were made with a lot of love and attention.

Thank you!